Learn about the AP Chemistry Exam

AP Chemistry Multiple-Choice Strategies

You’ll have 90 minutes to answer 60 multiple-choice questions on Part I of the AP Chemistry Exam. That means that you have a little over one minute per question. Utilize strategies like the two-pass system to make the most of your time and answer as many questions as possible.

What’s tested on the AP Chemistry Exam?

The AP Chemistry Exam is comprised of 60 multiple-choice questions, 3 long essay questions, and 6 short response questions. The test will cover topics such as the structure and states of matter, intermolecular attraction, thermodynamics, and the rates of chemical reactions.

AP Chemistry Free Response Strategies

Section II of the AP Chemistry exam is 90 minutes long and consists of seven questions: three long and four short free-response questions. The topics covered in the free-response questions are usually fairly common chemistry topics. However, a well-known topic doesn’t mean the problem will be simple.

AP Chemistry Prep Resources

Kaplan has a variety of prep resources available for the AP Chemistry Exam. Check out your test prep options for AP Chemistry and many other AP exams.

AP Chemistry General Strategies

Using strategies like the two-pass system, proper pacing, process of elimination, and trend analysis in previous exams will help you succeed on the AP Chemistry Exam.

AP Chemistry: Multiple-Choice Practice Questions

The multiple-choice section of the AP Chemistry test consists of 60 questions that you will have 90 minutes to answer. That’s an average of one and a half minutes per question. Test your AP Chemistry readiness with five practice questions.

AP Chemistry: Free Response Practice Questions

The free-response section of the AP Chemistry Exam consists of 7 questions–3 long and 4 short–that you will have 90 minutes to answer. You should spend about 7 minutes on each short questions and 20 minutes on each long question. Try out the following two free response practice questions.

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