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What's Tested on the IELTS Listening Section

The Listening module consists of four recorded sections, each containing ten questions, and takes 30 minutes to complete. You will only hear each recording once so you must be prepared to know what to listen for. You are not expected to have any specialist knowledge, but you should be able to deal with a range […]

GRE Issue Essay: Practice Sample Prompts

The GRE Issue Essay will provide a brief quotation on an issue of general interest and instructions on how to respond. You must evaluate the issue and develop an argument with support for your side of the issue. In the GRE Issue Essay, you will be developing your own argument. The essay scoring for the Analytical […]

GRE Argument Essay: Practice Sample Prompts

The GRE Argument Essay will contain a short argument that may or may not be complete, and specific instructions on how to respond. The GRE Argument Essay requires you to analyze and critique an argument. You must evaluate the logical soundness of the argument rather than take a side. In this task you do not […]

Getting Into Law School

You’ve already been through the college selection process and probably think you know what you’re up against as you evaluate which law schools best fit your needs and goals. Geography…cost…academic reputation…you’re familiar with these criteria in weighing your choices. But, law school selection in some aspects is more important. Your choice can have an outsize […]

How is the SSAT Scored?

The first thing you might notice with respect to grades is that students from other class years are taking the same test as you. Not to worry! You are graded according to your age. In other words, if you’re in 9th grade, you aren’t expected to get as many questions right as someone in 11th […]

3-Month Study Plan for the USMLE Step 1

If you have about 3 months to study for USMLE® Step 1, how should you use your time? First of all, do not study more than 8-10 hours/day, including question practice. Also, try to take one day off per week so you can recharge. Eat well, exercise and get proper rest for increased stamina and […]

6 Steps to Powerful Law School Recommendation Letters

Recommendation letters play an important role in the law school admissions process—and they’re also an application component that’s out of your control once an individual agrees to write one for you. So, what can you do to help ensure your recommenders present you in the most favorable way? Here are six steps to help secure […]

Tips for Success on the NAPLEX

It is important to focus on your own areas of weakness. To help you do so, keep the following in mind: Assess your strengths and weaknesses. Review your weakest subjects first. The best way to identify your weaknesses is through practice exams. Practice calculations to increase your confidence. Schedule extra time before your testing date […]

SSAT Essay Samples

Writing a good essay means following a few key rules about writing. Take a look at the following paragraph and try to identify what’s wrong with it. What’s wrong with the paragraph you just read? The biggest problem is that it goes off topic. Granted, you’re only seeing the beginning of the essay, but you can […]

How to Deal with the Challenges of Medical School

My med school class is a crowd of 148 of some of the most brilliant and dedicated people I’ve ever met. Nonetheless, I’ve yet to hear any of my classmates (or myself) discount how tough med school can be. You’re expected to create a working knowledge of all 11 major organ systems, related pharmacology, and […]