ACT Science Practice: How to Make Predictions

According to the Official ACT Student website at…

ACT Science: Control Groups

A control group is a concept that appears semi-frequently on…

ACT Reading: Author’s Tone or Voice

One question type you are bound to encounter on the ACT Reading…

ACT Reading: Implications, Inferences and Vocab-in-Context

On the ACT Reading, “inference” questions ask you to make…

ACT Reading: Compare and Contrast

The ACT will test your ability to compare and contrast items…

ACT Reading: Identify or Interpret a Detail

The ACT Reading section will ask you to identify or interpret…

ACT Reading: Paragraph Structure

The ACT Reading section will ask you about the structure of a…

ACT Reading: Character Development

Prose fiction passages on the ACT Reading can be pretty difficult…

ACT English: Subject – Verb Agreement

It’s extremely likely that you’ll face some questions in…

ACT English: Editing Sentences and Paragraphs

Being able to edit sentences and paragraphs will be important…