
ACT Scores Needed for Top Colleges
Since the ACT is accepted by all 4-year universities in the United…

Top 6 Tips to Win College Scholarships
Paying for college might be one of the most confusing and frightening…

Picking the Right College
Where you go to college is as much up to you, the applicant,…

Tips for Finding Your College Niche
We’ve all heard colloquialisms like: “You are the company…

Your College Application Admissions Timeline
The college admissions process can feel overwhelming for many…

Ultimate Guide to Gap Year Programs
Gap years after high school and before college can take many…

Should You Take a Gap Year After High School?
You’ve likely heard the term “gap year” before. But what…

What is Rolling Admissions?
What if I told you that you could get into college as early as…

How to Navigate Need-Based Financial Aid
In this introduction to need-based financial aid, you will learn…

What to Do if a College Waitlists or Defers You
A lot goes into your college applications. You’ve spent years…