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NCLEX-RN Alternate Format Questions: Select All That Apply

Multiple response or “select all that apply” questions that require you to select all answer choices that apply from among five or six answer options. Like hot spot, fill-in-the-blank, and drag-and-drop questions, these other types of questions are called alternate format questions and are part of the test pool of questions for the NCLEX-RN® exam. Let’s take […]

What's tested on the NCLEX: Safe and Effective Care Environment

The NCLEX-RN exam is designed to challenge your ability critically think through information provided to make safe and sound judgements about patient care. If you are a student that focuses primarily on memorizing every drug, every nursing intervention, and every disease process, then you may miss the mark. However, if you are a student that […]

GMAT Reading Comprehension: Isolating Key Information

If all of us had an unlimited amount of time to answer reading comprehension questions on the GMAT, then we’d probably all do quite well; after all, the information needed to answer the questions correctly lies in the passage. The time limit on the test means we have to sift through a large amount of […]

The Night Before the ACT: 5 Tips

It’s the night before the ACT and you may have already heard that you should NOT panic. In addition to focusing on remaining calm, you can add the following to your get-an-awesome-ACT-score to-do list: First, remember there are 4 parts to the ACT test: The English section is 45 minutes long and has 75 questions. The […]