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How Can I Improve My GRE Verbal Score?

Let’s cut to the chase: the GRE verbal section can be tough. Many students–even English majors!–struggle to prepare effectively for this section of the test. The GRE verbal section is broken down into three different components: Text Completion. Fill in the blanks of a sentence with the right word so that the sentence makes sense. […]

GRE Score Predictor: What is your GRE Math Score?

Find out your GRE Math score in under 15 minutes with a quick 10-question quiz. Do you have a competitive GRE score? An elite GRE score? or just a beginner GRE score? We’ve drawn questions from all topics of the GRE, including geometry, algebra, and arithmetic.[ RELATED:Get your GRE Verbal Score ]  

GRE Score Predictor: What's your GRE Verbal score?

Find out your GRE Verbal score in under 15 minutes with a quick 10-question quiz. Do you have a competitive GRE score? An elite GRE score? or just a beginner GRE score? We’ve drawn questions from all topics of the GRE, including text completion, sentence equivalence, and reading comprehension skills.   GRE Verbal Reasoning assesses your […]

Top 10 Most-Tested GRE Math Concepts

To get better GRE scores and get into the best graduate schools, you’ll need a strong understanding of the underlying math concepts—arithmetic, algebra, geometry, and data interpretation—as they are tested on the GRE. Even if you’re good at math, a little basic review is a great refresher. Even the best GRE test taker needs a […]

Top 10 Ways to Score Better on GRE Reading Passages

Better scores on the Reading Comprehension questions on the GRE can sometimes feel elusive. There are no “formulas” for GRE Reading Comprehension, but luckily there are some quick tips to better GRE scores on Reading Comprehension. These ten tips will help you turn a bad GRE score into a good GRE score.[ RELATED: Top 8 Tips […]

How to Structure the GRE Argument Essay

The GRE Argument Essay asks you to change perspective from the one you had for the Issue Essay. Instead of taking a position on a controversy, you read someone else’s argument and comment on the flaws and unproven assumptions in that argument. There is only one opinion you can have: the argument is flawed and […]

How to Study the Week before the MCAT

The last week before the MCAT can present a number of last-minute challenges. You’re finishing up your prep over the last seven days, and trying to make sure that you do all the right things to be ready for test day. Here’s a list of things you should make sure to include in the final […]

MCAT Practice Questions: Chemistry

The MCAT will present you with ten passages based on chemistry and physics subjects, and then present four to seven questions about each passage. The questions will address the four Scientific and Reasoning Skills listed, although different passages will focus on different skills. You will also be asked 15 discrete questions that are completely separate […]

MCAT Practice Questions: CARS

The following paragraph and related questions can give you an idea of what the MCAT CARS section of the test is like. Keep in mind that this is only an excerpt; an actual passage would be much longer, and would have from five to seven questions associated with it. (The answers are at the end […]

Medical School Admissions: Secondary Applications

Since dominating the MCAT, everything has gone smoothly in your medical admissions journey: You’ve crafted a masterful personal statement, chosen your favorite 15 activities, meticulously entered every class you’ve ever taken, and finally hit the “submit” button on your AMCAS application. Now it’s time to turn your attention to that growing pile of emails—no, not acceptances (just yet!), […]