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AP Psychology: Motivation, Emotion, and Personality Notes

Motivation: Processes that initiate, direct, and sustain behavior. Extrinsic motivation: Motivation driven by an external reward or punishment. Intrinsic motivation: Motivation driven by internal factors such as enjoyment and satisfaction. Approach-approach conflicts: Conflicts in which you must decide between desirable options. Avoidance-avoidance conflicts: Conflicts in which you must decide between undesirable options. Approach-avoidance conflicts: Conflicts […]

AP Psychology: Cognitive Psychology

Cognition: The process of thinking or mentally processing information such as concepts, language, and images. Automatic processing: The unconscious processing of incidental or well-learned information. Effortful processing: Active processing of information that requires sustained effort. Shallow processing: Processing information based on its surface characteristics. Deep processing: Processing information with respect to its meaning. Attention: The […]

AP Psychology: Learning Notes

Learning: A relatively permanent change in behavior based on experience. Classical conditioning: A method of learning that creates new associations between neutral stimuli and reflex-causing stimuli. Operant conditioning: A method of learning that alters the frequency of a behavior by manipulating its consequences through reinforcement or punishment. Observational learning/social learning: A form of learning that […]

AP Psychology: States of Consciousness Notes

Consciousness: A state of being awake and aware of external stimuli and one’s own mental activity. State of consciousness: The features of consciousness experienced by an individual at a particular point in time. Altered state of consciousness: A temporary state that differs significantly from a normal waking state; includes sleep, meditation, a coma, hypnosis, or […]

AP Human Geography Free Response Question Strategies

Unlike some other AP tests, the AP Human Geography exam does not require you to write a long essay with a thesis statement. Instead, you should write organized paragraphs for all parts of the prompt and label each part (A, B, etc.). Do everything you can to make it straightforward for the readers to follow […]

AP Human Geography Multiple-Choice Strategies

The AP Human Geography exam can be challenging, but with the right strategic mindset, you can get yourself on track for earning the 3, 4, or 5 that you need to qualify for college credit or advanced placement. The following are strategies to aid you on the multiple-choice section of the exam. Multiple-choice questions will ask […]

How to Reschedule Your GRE

Just because you’re taking the GRE (and fitting GRE test prep into your schedule) doesn’t mean that the unexpected can’t and won’t come up—and the test maker, ETS (Educational Testing Service), knows this. So even after you’ve already scheduled your GRE test date, you still have the option to change it for a fee, as long as you […]

How Long Should I Study for the GRE?

One of the first questions our students often ask when starting to plan for Test Day is, “How long should I study for the GRE?” We usually see the anticipation in their eyes, as they’re perhaps hoping for an answer like, “Well, are you busy right now? The next fifteen minutes or so ought to do […]

When Should You Reschedule the GRE?

The GRE sometimes gets a reputation for being the “easy” grad school admissions test. While it’s true that some students ace the test without even studying, most people have to put in some serious time and energy to get the score they want. It takes thoughtful goal-setting, honest self-evaluation, and familiarity with the exam to get a […]

AP Biology Free-Response Practice Questions

The second portion of the AP Biology test is the Free-Response Section. In this section, you will have 80 minutes to answer six questions (2 long and 4 short). Practice is crucial to divide your time efficiently. You will get a 10-minute reading period between the multiple-choice and free-response sections. During this time you should […]