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The ISEE versus the SSAT

While the SSAT, or Secondary School Admissions Test, and the ISEE, or Independent School Entrance Examination, are standardized examinations used by admissions professionals at private elementary, middle, and high schools. They share a common purpose, but there are some key differences between the two.   The SSAT has 3 levels: Elementary (for students currently in […]

What is the SSAT?

The SSAT (Secondary School Admission Test) is a required entrance exam at many independent schools throughout the United States. The test, created and administered by the Secondary School Admission Test Board in Princeton, New Jersey, is a multiple-choice exam that consists of Verbal, Reading Comprehension, and Quantitative (Math) sections. In addition, there is a writing […]

Should I Retake the MCAT?

About 24% of MCAT test-takers between 2015 and 2017 took the exam more than once. So while retaking the MCAT isn’t the norm, it’s certainly not an anomaly. If you’re considering retaking the MCAT because your score isn’t competitive for the medical schools you’ll be applying to, or because you believe you can perform better, […]

What score do I need to get on the GRE?

The GRE scores you’ll need for your graduate school application depend on two factors: the requirements of the school(s) you’re applying to and the overall strength of your application. When you take the GRE, you will get three scores: [Note: to see how these scores translate into percentiles (a percentile tells you how a score […]

LSAT Logical Reasoning: Strengthen & Weaken Questions

One common LSAT reasoning question is the kind that asks you to “strengthen” the argument. The most common mistake that people make on these kinds of questions is failing to stay close enough to the text of the argument as written. Your first step here is to read the question itself, and notice that it’s […]

What is the MCAT?

The MCAT is probably the most challenging test that you will have taken up to this point in your education. The MCAT is designed to find test takers that have certain unique skills that are directly correlated with success in medical education. The MCAT is not meant to be a barrier to entry to the […]

Should I Take the TOEFL iBT or IELTS?

If English is not your first language and you are applying for a job or to study in an English-speaking country, it is likely that you will be required to take a standardized test to show your level of English proficiency. There are two main English language tests you can sit that are accepted worldwide […]

GRE Quantitative: Percents

Because of their broad applicability to real life, percent problems are common in standardized tests. We calculate percents every day, from leaving fair tips at restaurants to figuring out which sale will save the most money. While the percent problems on the GRE quantitative may be a little more complicated than those everyday calculations, they […]

How to Study as a Non-Traditional MCAT Student

Studying for the MCAT as a non-traditional student is challenging. The good news? The average medical school matriculant is 25 and rising every year, putting non-traditional applicants in good company. Still, studying for the MCAT when you’re a few years removed from undergrad — or if you were not a science major — is going […]

MCAT Practice Questions: Sociology

The MCAT will present you with 10 passages on psychology, sociology and related biology topics, and ask 4-7 questions about each passage. The questions will address the four skills listed, although not every passage will require you to use each skill. You will be asked to answer 15 discrete questions that are not associated with […]