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How is the IELTS Scored?

Each of the four modules of the IELTS is scored on a scale of 1.0 to 9.0, in half-point increments. These scores are then averaged together for the overall score. This overall score can either be a whole or half band. Each band corresponds to a global descriptor, summarizing each of the nine levels of […]

LSAT Logical Reasoning: Flaws & Common Flaws

Flaw questions are another often-seen challenge on the LSAT. The central error in reasoning on LSAT flaw questions always comes down to the same thing: the evidence presented doesn’t logically lead to the conclusion. You can’t argue with the evidence itself, so don’t be distracted by answer choices that directly contradict what’s stated in the […]

Medical School Recommendation Letters and Personal Statements

The medical school application is your single best opportunity to convince a group of strangers that you would be an asset both to the school and to the medical profession. It’s your opportunity to show yourself as something more than grades and scores. Granted, every person who applies will have strengths and weaknesses. But it’s […]

GRE Reading Comprehension: Logic Questions

Reading comprehension on the GRE has a number of question types you can expect to see on Test Day: Main Idea, Detail, Function, Vocab in Context, etc. These are slightly easier ones, but there are also some that tend to be a little harder: Inference, Application, and Logic questions. Logic’s a method of reasoning based on inference. The GRE has reading […]

Reading Comprehension: Structure of Ideas on the GRE

GRE Reading Comprehension tests you ability to read a passage carefully, and no question type will test you ability to read closely more than the Structure of Ideas prompts on the test. On these questions, you will have to identify a passage’s main idea and understand how the passage is laid out, structurally. Although this sounds simple, […]

Solving and Mastering Data Sufficiency Questions on the GMAT

Data Sufficiency must be practiced every day. It’s like these questions use a part of your brain that is seldom employed for other purposes; much like a little-used muscle, you need to warm up and use it regularly or it won’t work well when needed. The Critical Thinking skills tapped by Data Sufficiency require regular […]

Probability, Combination, and Permutation on the GRE

Probability, Combination, and Permutation questions are relatively rare on the GRE, but if you’re aiming for a high percentile in the Quantitative section you should spend some time familiarizing yourself with some of the more advanced concepts such as these. These types of probability questions are often found in multiple choice word problems, although it’s […]

Common PANCE Errors

In order to score well on the PANCE, you must analyze your errors. Do this routinely throughout your preparation process. Most people look at two things after they take a test: their overall performance and which items they answered incorrectly. Looking at just these two aspects wastes a lot of potentially valuable information. Overall performance tells […]

5 Tips for PANCE Test Day

If you experience significant anxiety symptoms, such as muscle twitching, chronic insomnia, nausea, hyperventilation episodes, or chest tightness when you think about taking exams or while taking them, then self-help tactics may not be enough. If you experience several of these symptoms and they are severe, seek professional help from either a psychiatrist or a cognitive […]