AP World History Practice Questions: Quiz 2

Test your readiness for the AP World History exam with the following quiz.

AP World History Free Practice Question #1

“Since the FSLN was formed in the early 1960s, the Sandinistas have looked to Cuba for ideological inspiration, strategic guidance, tactical training, material support, and sanctuary.

Guatemala’s Guerrilla Army of the Poor (EGP) and El Salvador’s Popular Liberation Forces (FPL) have already undertaken the kinds of actions recommended by Cuba and are planning more. Ecuador’s Socialist Revolutionary Party (PSRE) has reportedly planned an attack on the Nicaraguan Embassy in Quito, to be carried out with support from the Chilean Movement of the Revolutionary Left (MIR). The MIR also reportedly has a support apparatus in Costa Rica that helps train Nicaraguan guerrillas. Radical groups in Peru and Colombia are reportedly considering sending volunteers to Nicaragua to fight with the FSLN guerrillas. All the Central American guerrilla groups probably provide the Sandinistas with safesites, documents, and assistance in travel and border crossing.”

–Memorandum Prepared in the Central Intelligence Agency, 1978

The events described in the passage represent a reaction most directly against which of the following?

A: Capitalism

B: Marxism

C: Nationalism

D: Anti-colonialism

A: The passage describes the events of Cuban-supported leftist groups in Central and South America and their efforts to support communism in the region. As such, these events can be best seen as a reaction against capitalism; (a) is correct. Marxism advocated for the over- throw of the moneyed classes, which would be followed by a “workers’ state.” The groups in this passage did not oppose Marxism, but rather supported it, making (B) incorrect. (C) and (D) are incorrect because these groups generally supported both nationalism and anti- colonialism, preferring for their countries to be able to govern without outside influence.

AP World History Free Practice Question #2

“Where the money is to come from which will defray this enormous annual expense of three millions sterling, and all those other debts, I know not; unless the author of Common Sense, or some other ingenious projector, can discover the Philosopher’s Stone, by which iron and other base metals may be transmuted into gold. Certain I am that our commerce and agriculture, the two principal sources of our wealth, will not support such an expense. The whole of our exports from the Thirteen United Colonies, in the year 1769, amounted only to £2,887,898 sterling; which is not so much, by near half a million, as our annual expense would be were we independent of Great Britain.”

–Charles Inglis, Loyalist and Anglican clergyman of Trinity Church in New York City, New York, 1776

The financial situation described in the passage is best understood in the context of which of the following systems?

A: Mercantilism
B: Feudalism
C: Monarchism
D: Liberalism

A: The 13 British colonies primarily provided England with their natural resources instead of growing their own industries; this reflects the system of mercantilism, making (a) correct. Feudalism was a medieval social system, which generally required peasants to serve vassals, who in turn served nobles; this system is not reflected in the passage, so (B) is incorrect. (C) is incorrect because monarchism is a political system, in which a monarch such as King George III of Great Britain rules over his people. (D) is incorrect because economic liberalism is a system that advocates for free trade and minimal government regulation of the economy, which contrasts with the mercantilist trade described in the passage.

AP World History Free Practice Question #3

The travels of the H.M.S. Orvieto depicted on the map best reflect which of the following developments during the World War I era?

A: The severing of relations between Britain and India
B: The interconnection between international trade and war efforts
C: The vast reach of British imperial territory
D: The declining role of sea transportation in the world economy

B: The map shows the movements of a British ship during World War I to locations where fighting was not occurring; these voyages must have been related to obtaining supplies during the war effort. Indeed, ships such as the H.M.S. Orvieto accompanied Allied civilian ships in order to protect them against German U-boat attacks. Even during peacetime, European countries such as Great Britain did not have sufficient raw materials to supply their factories and thus developed international trade relations, usually involving less developed nations and territorial possessions supplying raw materials for industry in more developed nations. (B) correctly reflects the importance of these trade relations. (A) is incorrect because Britain still ruled India during World War I; India did not become autonomous until after World War II. Though the British Empire was large and spanned multiple continents, the map does not depict the extent of these colonies, making (C) incorrect. (D) is incorrect because sea transportation was vital to the world economy in the early twentieth century; although railroads and automobiles could be used overland, sea travel was the only way to transport goods or people across oceans before the development of jets.

AP World History Free Practice Question #4

“Are these the beginnings of profound changes in the Soviet state? Or are they token gestures, intended to raise false hopes in the West, or to strengthen the Soviet system without changing it? We welcome change and openness; for we believe that freedom and security go together, that the advance of human liberty can only strengthen the cause of world peace. There is one sign the Soviets can make that would be unmistakable, that would advance dramatically the cause of freedom and peace.

General Secretary Gorbachev, if you seek peace, if you seek prosperity for the Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, if you seek liberalization: Come here to this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, open this gate! Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!”

–Ronald Reagan, “Tear Down This Wall,” 1987

Which of the following factors contributed the most to the political climate described by Reagan?

A: The state of the Soviet communist economy
B: The Soviet invasion of Korea
C: The reunification of Germany
D: The proliferation of nuclear weapons

A: Reagan is admonishing Gorbachev to signal the decline of Cold War tensions by tearing down the Berlin Wall, which for decades had separated Berlin into a democratic west and communist east. Reagan’s speech is in the midst of the thawing of Cold War tensions; the Communist Party was seeking increasingly liberal policies while trying to hold together the collapsing Soviet Union in light of its struggling economy and internal pressures. (A) is correct because it reflects one of the factors that would lead to the collapse of the Soviet Union. (B) is incorrect because the Soviet Union’s involvement with Korea dated back to its support in the 1950s for the communist North during the Korean War; the Soviet Union did not invade Korea during the decline of the Cold War. (C) is incorrect because the reunification of Germany was a result of the collapse due to the loss of Soviet control of East Germany. While nuclear buildup certainly characterized the Cold War era, (D) is incorrect because the collapse of the Soviet Union was during a period of nuclear deescalation.

AP World History Free Practice Question #5

The conditions reflected in the diagram would most directly result in which of the following?

A: The outbreak of World War II
B: The escalation of the Cold War
C: The breakdown of land-based empires
D: The redrawing of old colonial boundaries

A: The diagram depicts the diminishing world economy in the midst of the Great Depression. Factors contributing to World War II included expansionism, nationalism, and the rise of fascist and totalitarian states; the latter were able to ferment in the political and economic instability that emerged after World War I and were exacerbated by the Great Depression. (A) is correct. (B) and (D) are incorrect because they reflect developments that occurred after World War II, during the postwar ideological conflict of democratic and communist superpowers and the breakdown of colonial empires. (C) is incorrect because traditional land-based empires, such as Russia, China, and the Ottoman Empire, collapsed in the years of political turmoil before, during, and after World War I, not as a result of the Great Depression.

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