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How to Improve Your MCAT Score

If you’ve just received your MCAT score and it’s lower than you were expecting, or you’re not performing as well as you would like on your practice tests, you are not alone. There are practical steps you can take to reconfigure your study strategy and improve your MCAT score. In this guide, we’ll share five […]

When Should I Take the MCAT in 2025?

There are 30 MCAT test dates in 2025. In 2025, the MCAT is offered in January and every month from March through September. MCAT registration for January, March, April, May, and June 2025 test dates opens on October 2, 2024. MCAT registration for July, August, and September 2025 test dates opens on February 19, 2025. […]

How to Register for the MCAT

Registering for the MCAT is a straightforward process, but it’s important to review the AAMC’s rescheduling and cancellation policies in case you need to change your plans. Once you’ve selected an MCAT test date, you’ll have to complete a few steps to register for the MCAT: First, make an account with the Association of American […]

AP Psychology: Learning Notes

Learn about learning with our free AP Psychology study notes. We’ll give an overview of what you’ve learned in your AP Psychology in the learning unit so you’re ready for test day. Psychologists differentiate among many different types of learning, so it’s important to review these key concepts as you study for the AP Psych […]

AP Psychology: Developmental Psychology Notes

Use these AP Psychology study notes to review what you’ve learned about developmental psychology in your AP class. We’ll break down some of the key concepts and terms you should study ahead of the AP Psych exam. Then, test your knowledge with our AP Psychology quiz.  [ READ NEXT: AP Psychology: Learning ] AP Psychology […]

AP Psychology: Testing and Individual Differences Notes

In these AP Psychology study notes, will review key concepts and vocabulary related to testing and individual differences, including what makes for a good test, how to interpret your scores on such tests, and what different kinds of tests exist. We will also focus on one of the most tested characteristics of all, intelligence. Keep […]

AP Psychology: Cognition Notes

Use our AP Psychology: Cognition Notes to brush up on what you’ve learned in your AP Psych class. These concepts are important because they represent a significant number of questions on the AP exam. Keep reading to get an overview of key takeaways and terms you should know before Test Day. [ READ NEXT: AP […]

AP Psychology: Sensation and Perception Notes

Review what you’ve learned about sensation and perception with our AP Psychology notes. These processes are our only way to get information about the outside world. The exact distinction between what is sensation and what is perception is debated by psychologists and philosophers. It’s important to understand both to earn a top score on the […]

AP Psychology: States of Consciousness Notes

Early psychologists like William James, author of the first psychology textbook, were very interested in consciousness. However, since no tools existed to examine it scientifically, the study of consciousness faded for a time. Currently, consciousness is becoming a more common research area due to more sophisticated brain-imaging tools and an increased emphasis on cognitive psychology. […]

AP Physics: Vectors and Trigonometry

In your prep for the AP Physics exam, make sure you have a solid understanding of fundamental topics like vectors and trigonometry. For a brush-up, check out the notes and practice questions below!  FREE PREMIUM CONTENT AP Physics Formulas & Equations Sheets Download a free list of formulas and equations you should know for the […]