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PSAT Math Quiz: Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percents

Content Review: PSAT Math: Rates and Measurements PSAT Math: Ratios and Proportions PSAT Math: Percentages Test your PSAT readiness by taking this PSAT math quiz! Previous: PSAT Math Quiz: Systems of Equations Next: PSAT Math Quiz: Exponents, Roots, and Polynomials

PSAT Math Quiz: Exponents, Roots and Polynomials

Content Review: PSAT Math: Exponents and Radicals PSAT Math: Polynomials PSAT Math: Rational Expressions and Equations Test your PSAT readiness by taking this PSAT math quiz! Previous: PSAT Math Quiz: Rates, Ratios, Proportions, and Percents Next: PSAT Math Quiz: Functions

PSAT Writing and Language Quiz: Effective Language Usage

Test your PSAT readiness by taking this PSAT Writing quiz? Reading the following passage and indicate what corrections, if any, should be made to each question’s corresponding number in the text. The North American suburb is an architectural and civic phenomenon distinct from suburban areas in any other part of the world. It was (1) a counterreaction to the need, especially […]

NEW: PSAT Writing and Language Quiz

Test your PSAT readiness by taking this PSAT Writing and Language quiz! Read the following passage. For each question, look to the corresponding number in the passage and determine what corrections, if any, should be made to the underlined text.  One shudders to contemplate Michelangelo’s reaction if he were to gaze up today at the famous frescoes he […]

PSAT Reading Quiz: Difficult Passages and Vocab-in-Context

 < Back to all quizzes [  MORE Free PSAT Reading Quizzes:  Detail Questions Quiz  •  Main PSAT Reading Quiz  ] Reference the following passage for the practice questions below: Although the brain comprises only 2 percent of the human body’s average weight, the billions of neurons and trillions of synaptic connections that are the human brain constitute a truly impressive organ. In […]

PSAT Reading: Vocab-in-Context Questions

Vocab-in-Context questions require you to deduce the meaning of a word or phrase by using the context in which the word or phrase appears. You can recognize Vocab-in-Context questions because the wording of the question stem is often like this: “As used in line 7, ‘clairvoyant’ most nearly means . . . ” Kaplan’s Strategy […]

PSAT Reading: Connections Questions

Before we jump into the specifics about inferring connections—explicit and implicit—let’s look at different kinds of connections that can exist in a PSAT Reading passage. Connections questions ask about how two events, characters, or ideas are related. The three most common connection types are: Some Connections questions will ask about explicit information; the question stem […]

PSAT Reading: Global and Command of Evidence Practice Questions

Let’s look at the following example of a test-like passage and question set. After the mapped passage, the left column contains questions similar to those you’ll see on the PSAT Reading Test on Test Day. The column on the right features the strategic thinking test experts employ when approaching the passage and questions presented. Pay […]