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New Passing Requirements for the USMLE Step 3

On December 11, 2015 the USMLE committee announced that the recommended USMLE Step 3 minimum passing score will increase from 190 to 196, affecting all examinees whose first day of testing is on or after January 1, 2016. A change in the USMLE Step 3 passing threshold follows a series of USMLE announcements, dedicated to Step […]

Careers in Law: What Does a Litigator Do?

Litigators are what a lot of people picture when they think of the stereotypical attorney: a lawyer who spends a great deal of time in the courtroom and files lawsuits, lawsuits, lawsuits. But litigation is actually a huge legal field, comprising several different careers in law, and the job description of a litigator can vary widely. […]

PSAT Math Practice Questions: Linear Equations

Linear equations and linear graphs are some of the most common test questions on the PSAT Math Test. Linear Equations can be used to model relationships and changes such as those concerning time, temperature, or population. The graphs of these equations are as important as the equations themselves. Let’s review an example. Work through the Kaplan Method for […]

What's Tested on the Praxis Writing Test?

The Praxis Core Writing test consists of two types of sections that test two very different kinds of writing skills. The first section tests your ability to read sentences, locating and correcting grammatical errors. This is followed by two essay sections, which will test your ability to write a clear, coherent essay in a limited […]

Pre-Dental Planner: Senior Year

You have probably heard back from most, if not all, of the schools that you applied to and may even know where you are headed. So everything is set, right? Wrong! You still have a year left, don’t mess it up! You have worked too hard to let it all go to waste on a […]

Four Steps to a Great Law School Personal Statement

Law school admissions officers read hundreds of personal statements every year; one of the most important things you can do to improve your chances of getting into your dream school is to make sure that your essay makes a great first impression. Most law schools will provide you with a general question and a page […]

What's Tested on the Praxis Reading Test?

Reading comprehension tests are the “bread and butter” of standardized tests, and the Praxis Core is no exception. According to ETS, the Praxis Core Reading test measures “academic skills in reading needed to prepare successfully for a career in education.” That sounds straightforward enough. But success on this test is about more than just reading […]

LSAT Scores and GPAs for Top Law Schools

While many factors should impact your decision of which law schools to apply to, there’s no denying that reputation often exerts a major influence on applicants’ views of various law programs.  Despite the fact that the various annually published ratings of law schools are intrinsically flawed in their very assumption that there would be one […]

LSAT Reading Comprehension: Tips, Strategies & Wrong Answers

The reading comprehension section on the LSAT can be one of the toughest areas in which to improve, because so much of it depends on the reading speed and retention you bring to the table. But a significant part of your success or failure on the section also depends on the methods that you use […]