latest test changes to the GMAT including the gmat focus

GMAT Test Changes

The GMAT was significantly changed on November 7th, 2023. Initially, this new, next-generation version of the GMAT exam, was called the ‘GMAT Focus Edition’, however, since then, the Graduate Management Admission Council (GMAC) has reverted the name to simply the GMAT.


What Recently Changed on the GMAT?

When GMAC launched the latest version of the GMAT (previously known as the GMAT Focus) there were major changes and updates to the exam. Those changes included: 

  • changing the testing durations for each section ( Quant + Verbal + Data Insights) to 45 minutes
  • changing the scaled Total score range from 200 – 800 to 205 – 805
  • renamingIntegrated Reasoning to Data Insights
  • removing the Essay section
  • removing all grammar
  • removing most geometry
  • removing sentence correction problems
  • weighing data analysis skills more heavily in your score

Why the GMAT Changed

The Graduate Management Admission Test (GMAT) has been the flagship global business school entrance exam for more than 50 years. GMAC, the test makers, have specifically designed the new GMAT Focus Edition to target the current-generation skills that are most relevant to success in graduate management programs.

Scoring Changes on the GMAT

On the new GMAT, all three sections (Quantitative, Verbal, and Data Insights) factor into your Total Score on a scale of 205 to 805 in 10-point increments now. Before, only the Quantitative and Verbal sections were factored into your Total score. 

Another major update to how the scoring works on the GMAT is the algorithms give data analysis skills more weight into your core. 

You will also now receive individual scores for each GMAT section (Quantitative, Verbal, and Data Insights). These GMAT section scores are 60 to 90 in 1-point increments.

[ RELATED: How to Register for the GMAT]

GMAT Format Changes

Some of the most notable GMAT format changes were renaming the Integrated Reasoning section to Data Insights and removing the Essay portion of the exam. GMAC has also found a way to allow test takers to change up to 3 answers per section, basically reinventing question-adaptive testing. 

You will still need to choose an answer to each problem as you go. Then, at the end of the section, you’ll be able to review any problems you want and change up to 3 answers. (You’ll also have access to a bookmark feature throughout, so that you can quickly find again the problems that you want to review.)

The skills needed to do well on the new GMAT were also changed a bit with more emphasis added on data analysis skills.

There was also a significant change to the GMAT format by updating the time you get to complete each section. You will only have 45 minutes to complete each section of the exam now.

The format of the GMAT and the skills tested are:

GMAT Focus Test SectionTime# of problemsThe section tests…
Quant45 min21– Fractions, percents, and ratios
– Algebra
– Statistics
– Story problems
– Number properties
Verbal45 min23– Critical / analytical thinking
– Comprehension
– Inference
Data Insights45 min20– All quant skills
– All verbal skills
– Data analysis
– Logical reasoning
The exam will also include one optional 10-minute break and you can take the three sections in whatever order you prefer.


GMAT Math Quicksheet

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GMAT Problem Type Changes

Some of the most notable problem type changes that occurred on the new GMAT were the removal of most Geometry problems and all Grammar, and Sentence Correction problems. 

While geometry was removed, coordinate plane geometry is actually considered algebra—so coordinate plane can still appear on the new GMAT.

Data sufficiency (DS) problems are also no longer part of the Quantitative section and were moved to the Data Insights section. In addition, Data Sufficiency problems will no longer be given in “pure” math form. 

Some DS problems will still test math concepts but only in “applied” (ie, story / translation) form—and some of them may even include graphs to interpret. In addition, DS problems will expand to include more logic-type problems.

Below are the latest problem types that you will encounter on the new GMAT.

Quantitative Problem Types– Problem Solving
Verbal Problem Types– Critical Reasoning
– Reading Comprehension
Data Insights Problem Types– Data Sufficiency
– Tables
– Graphs
– Multi-Source Reasoning
– Two-Parts

[ RELATED: How to Study for the GMAT]

How To Prepare for the New GMAT

Our new GMAT courses have launched and our fully updated for the GMAT Focus, as well as our GMAT Focus Self-Study Toolkit to help you prepare for the new GMAT.

[ NEXT: Free GMAT Focus Trial class and other free events ]