New SAT Conversion Chart: What's your score worth?
For students looking to see how new SAT scores compare to old SAT scores, the College Board recently released two sets of concordance tables: one to translate new SAT scores to old SAT scores, and one to translate old SAT scores to new SAT scores.
There is also an SAT Score Converter tool available which automatically converts the scores. Additionally, for ACT takers, the College Board also released two sets of concordance tables to translate new SAT scores to ACT scores, and ACT scores to new SAT scores. (See pages 7 and 15 in the SAT concordance Tables for Higher Education).
Because the old and new SATs are made up of different sections, six different tables are used to translate new SAT scores to old SAT scores, with each table corresponding to its comparable section on the old version of the SAT.
New SAT (March 2016) to Old SAT Score Conversion Tables

Likewise, for the set of tables to translate old SAT scores to new SAT scores, six tables are used for concordance.
Old SAT to New SAT (March 2016) Score Conversion Tables

Since the new SAT and the old SAT are different in nature and their scores are not equivalent, the purpose of the concordance tables is to help students, parents, teachers, counselors, college admission officers, and others to compare scores on the new SAT with those on the old SAT. Since there are many different tables, it is VERY important to choose the right concordance table when converting scores.
For example, to convert a score from the new SAT to old SAT, choose the new SAT to old SAT table. To compare the SAT scores to ACT scores, the SAT to ACT concordance tables can be used. (Note: the ACT maker has stated that it has not verified these tables.).
SAT Conversion Charts: What You Need To Know
Here is a simplified explanation of what people should know about the new SAT concordance tables. While the tables seem complicated, we’ve simplified this for you. Let’s take a look at what students do need to know:
Quickly convert your SAT score to an ACT score using our free calculator.
Kaplan Test Prep has provided further information to help you understand your SAT score and to help you decide which test should you take, ACT vs SAT.