
What's a good TEAS score?

What’s a good TEAS score? What TEAS score do you need? Some schools require a certain composite score for admission, while others require you to meet a minimum score in each content area. Other schools do not have any specific cutoff scores for admission. When considering your TEAS score goal, be sure to check with the program(s) to which you are applying to find out their requirements.

[ GOOD TO KNOW: Top 10 Tips to Ace the TEAS ]

What does the TEAS test?

Reading3955 minutes
Mathematics3457 minutes
Science4460 minutes
English and Language Usage3337 minutes
TOTAL150209 minutes

Unscored TEAS Questions

Keep in mind that there are unscored questions not counted above. There are 170 questions in total. The 20 unscored items are experimental questions included by the test maker (ATI) to test their validity. You will not know whether a question is scored or unscored, so do your best on every question.

How is the TEAS scored?

You will receive a composite score reflecting your overall performance and a sub-score for each content area. For example:

  • TEAS Composite Score: 75%
  • Reading: 85%
  • Math: 65%
  • Science: 70%
  • English: 80%

Your composite score, or your Adjusted Individual Score, is your main score, but programs will likely have minimum requirements for all four sections of the TEAS.

TEAS Score Ranges

The national mean composite score is different with each test administration, but it usually falls somewhere between 65% and 75%.


Top TEAS Scores

These scores are classified by ATI as “Exemplary.”

  • TEAS Composite score: 90.7% – 100%
  • Reading: 90.7% – 100%
  • Math: 90.7% – 100%
  • Science: 90.7% – 100%
  • English: 90.7% – 100%


Competitive TEAS Scores

These scores are usually above the national mean and are classified by ATI as “Advanced.”

  • TEAS Composite score: 78% – 90%
  • Reading: 78% – 90%
  • Math: 78% – 90%
  • Science: 78% – 90%
  • English: 78% – 90%


Less Competitive TEAS Scores

These scores will usually put you right around the national average and are classified by ATI as “Proficient.”

  • TEAS Composite score: 58.7% – 77.3%
  • Reading: 58.7% – 77.3%
  • Math: 58.7% – 77.3%
  • Science: 58.7% – 77.3%
  • English: 58.7% – 77.3%


Below Average TEAS Scores

These scores are usually below the national average and are classified by ATI as “Basic” or “Developmental.”

  • TEAS Composite score: 0% – 58.0%
  • Reading: 0% – 58.0%
  • Math: 0% – 58.0%
  • Science: 0% – 58.0%
  • English: 0% – 58.0%

Your TEAS score report

If you take the TEAS test online, you will see your scores immediately upon completion of the test. If you take the paper-and-pencil version, your scores will show up in your ATI online account within 48 hours of ATI receiving the test from the testing site. 

In addition to your score, the report will identify topics on which you missed questions, which you can use to plan your studying if you plan to take the TEAS again. According to ATI, approximately 40% of students have to take the TEAS more than once. Be aware that some schools with a cutoff score require applicants to achieve the minimum score within a certain number of test administrations. For example, a school may require applicants to obtain the minimum score by taking the TEAS no more than twice. In this case, if you did not achieve the cutoff score after taking the test twice but did get a score above the threshold the third time you took the test, your application would still not meet that school’s criteria for admission.

Finally, just because a school gives a minimum score or scores for admission, that does not mean that every applicant who meets or exceeds that score(s) is accepted. Other aspects of your application are generally considered as well. In the same way, a school that does not have a minimum TEAS score may nonetheless mostly accept students with high scores. Again, research the schools to which you are applying to find out what they seek in a successful candidate.

[ NEXT: How to Prepare for the TEAS ]