What's Tested on the TEAS: Science

Nursing and health science program professionals need to understand and be able to use knowledge about the human body as well as other scientific subjects. In your career, you will apply scientific knowledge frequently, and you will need to keep up-to-date on the latest published research to provide your clients with the best possible care. The TEAS Science content area tests your understanding of the parts and function of each organ system of the human body, and it asks questions about biology and chemistry. The TEAS also tests your ability to use scientific measurements and tools and to evaluate scientific research.

The TEAS Science Content Area

Of the 170 items on the TEAS, 53 will be in the Science content area, and you will have 63 minutes to answer them. Thus, you will have just over a minute (63 minutes ÷ 53 questions ≈ 1 minute 10 seconds) per question.
Of the 53 Science questions, 47 will be scored and 6 will be unscored. You won’t know which questions are unscored, so do your best on every question.
The 47 scored Science questions come from three sub-content areas:
Sub-content AreasNumber of Questions
Human anatomy and physiology32
Life and physical sciences8
Scientific reasoning7


The Kaplan Method for Science

Using a methodical approach to Science questions will help you organize the relevant facts and eliminate incorrect answers.
  • Step 1: Analyze the information provided.

    Many questions on the TEAS ask you to recall science facts. In these cases, key terms are provided that tell you what area of science you are being tested on and which fact(s) you need to supply. If you are being asked to evaluate an experiment or draw a conclusion based on data or an experimental process, the data will be provided or the process described. This information, which may be in the question itself or in a table, figure, or other information supplied above the question, will be key to answering correctly, so invest enough time to study it carefully. In all cases, a glance at the answer choices may also provide useful guidance about the area of science being tested or the specificity of the answer sought.

  • Step 2: Recall the relevant facts.

    Step 2: Recall the relevant facts.
    The TEAS tests many topics in science. Therefore, each time you start a new question, give yourself the time it takes to orient yourself to the question’s particular focus. Is it about the endocrine system? Heredity? The experimental method? Call to mind what you know about the topic.
    If additional information is provided in the question or above it, then research it. It will either provide the answer to the question or facts you can use to deduce the answer. Read carefully! It would be a shame to know the material but miss the question because you, for example, misread the axis of a graph or named the independent variable instead of the dependent variable.

  • Step 3: Predict the answer.

    By having the correct answer firmly in mind before you look at the answer choices, you will not choose an incorrect answer that looks similar or one that is a related concept but not the exact concept you need. Sometimes you may not know the science fact the question is asking for. Even in these cases, you can mentally review what you do remember about the topic. This will prepare you to eliminate clear wrong answers and increase your chance of getting the question right.

  • Step 4: Evaluate the answer choices.

    Choose the answer choice that matches your prediction. If you were unable to make a prediction, eliminate those answer choices that relate to a different organ system or concept. This allows you to make a strategic guess among the remaining choices.