What's on the TASC: Mathematics

The TASC Mathematics Test assesses your ability to reason with numbers. On the Mathematics Test, you will have 105 minutes to answer approximately 52 questions. You will spend 50 minutes answering questions with the aid of calculator and 55 minutes answering questions for which you may not use a calculator. You may take a 15-minute break between those two sections. Questions on this test will target skills such as:

  • Performing number operations to solve problems
  • Solving word problems
  • Understanding proportions and percentages
  • Interpreting graphic representations of data
  • Finding averages
  • Understanding and performing operations with algebraic expressions
  • Solving linear and quadratic equations
  • Solving problems using geometric formulas

Most questions on the Mathematics Test will be multiple choice. Some of the questions will ask you to bubble a numerical answer into the grid below:

what's on the tasc

If you are taking the computer-based TASC test, you may also see drag-and-drop items, in which you are asked to arrange items on the computer screen using your mouse.


On the TASC Mathematics Test, two tools will be available to you to help you answer questions.
Calculator: Whether you take the paper or computer versions of the TASC, you will have access to a scientific calculator for part of the Mathematics Test. See the next page for more information on how to use the calculator.
Formula sheet: You will also be provided with a two-page formula sheet that lists common mathematical formulas. Become familiar with this sheet, which is reproduced on pages 168–169. If a formula is discussed in this book but not listed on the formula sheet, you will need to memorize it.

About Calculators

If you take the computer version of the TASC, you will have access to an on-screen version of the Texas Instruments TI-30XS MultiView™ calculator. For more information on using the online calculator, see below on this page.
If you are taking the paper version of the test, there are a variety of calculators that will be acceptable to use. Please check your state’s guidelines before you purchase a calculator for your practice. While the test maker has decided that all of the following calculators are acceptable, each individual state has the right to limit this list and your state might have done so. Once you have determined which calculators are allowed in your state, choose which one will work best for you and start practicing with it right away. The calculator options are listed here.
TI-30XS MultiView™

On this calculator, you use the white numeric keypad to enter numbers, the decimal point, and the negative sign (–) for a negative number such as −213. The operation keys, on the right, allow you to add, subtract, multiply, and divide. The four arrows at the top right of the calculator allow you to move the onscreen cursor up, down, left, or right as needed. The delete key to the left of the arrows allows you to correct mistakes as you work.
The following Casio® calculators have the same basic key functions as the TI-30XS MultiView™, but some of the keys are in different locations and/ or have slightly different symbolic representation for various functions. For example, the Casio® calculators use an “equals” key, whereas the TI-30XS MultiView™ has a button that says “enter,” which performs the same function.

  • Casio FX-115ES PLUS
  • Casio FX-115MS PLUS
  • Casio FX-300ES PLUS


This calculator has the same basic key functions as the TI-30XS MultiView™ with some distinct differences. The screen does not show as much information and there are no arrows to move your cursor within the display and thus correct work you have previously entered. Additionally, while all basic key functions are present, some of them are in different locations and/or have slightly different symbolic representation on the keys. This calculator is battery powered.
The following calculator has the same basic key functions as the TI-30Xa™ but some of the keys are in different locations and/or have slightly different symbolic representations.

  • Casio FX-260 Solar

HP 35s Scientific Calculator

This calculator defaults to Reverse Polish Notation, which is different from the algebraic notation you are likely used to entering when using a handheld calculator. However, the user does have the ability to switch to algebraic data entry. As with the other calculators in this section, the same basic key functions are present, but some of the keys are in different places and/or have slightly different symbols to represent various functions.
Because the TI-30XS MultiView™ is the calculator used for the computer test, and because it is one of the calculators that you may use on the paper test, you will see practice tips for using this calculator throughout the Mathematics unit. (See, for example, page 198.) Please practice using your chosen calculator to gain familiarity with what you will see on Test Day. Remember: You do not have to use the calculator to solve problems; only use it if it is relevant to the problem or if you believe it will be helpful.
Once you’re comfortable with the format of the TASC, try out some practice questions!

Question 1
Which of the following is a true statement about the value of the expression (52)(−103)(-45)(−8)(3)?
A. The result is a fraction.
B. The result is greater than 1.
C. The result is a negative number.
D. The result is a positive number.

C: Do not do any calculations. Instead, examine the factors. Since there is an odd number of negative factors, the answer will be negative.

Question 2
Jessica has a score of −65 points, and Chris has a score of 55 points. By how many points is Jessica losing to Chris?
A. 55
B. 65
C. 120
D. 150

C: Add the absolute value of Jessica’s score to the absolute value of Chris’s score: |−65| + |55| = 65 + 55 = 120

Question 3
A truck driver traveled 275 miles in 5 hours. What was his average speed in miles per hour?
A. 1375
B. 270
C. 280
D. 55

d/t = r
275/5 = 55

Question 4
A state park contains 64 acres. A wildlife preserve makes up 3 8 of the park. How many acres are in the preserve?
A. 8
B. 21
C. 24
D. 27

C: You need to find 3/8 of 64. Multiply. 64 x (3/8) = 24 acres

Question 5
Which box plot represents data with the greater spread?
what's on the tasc
A. Box Plot A
B. Box Plot B
C. They have the same spread.
D. Cannot be determined from the information given.

A: The information depicted in Box Plot A is spread across more numbers than in Box Plot B.

Question 6
The length of a rectangle is three times its width. If the perimeter of the rectangle is 96 inches, what is its length in inches?
A. 12
B. 24
C. 36
D. 48

C: Use the formula for finding the perimeter of a rectangle. Let 3w = length.
P = 2l + 2w
96 = 2(3w) + 2w
96 = 8w
w = 12
So the width is 12 inches, and the length is 3 × 12 = 36 inches.

Need some more TASC practice? Check out Kaplan’s TASC study resources.