Registering for the PANCE
To register to take the PANCE, you first must be certified as…

How do I Register for the DAT?
If you're planning on applying to Dental School, you'll have…

How to Register for the UBE®
The UBE (Uniform Bar Exam) is a transferable standardized bar…

How To Register for the NCLEX
In order to register for the NCLEX-RN® or NCLEX-PN®, you'll…

How to Register for the SAT
Once you have chosen your SAT test date and test center, it's…

How to Register for the ACT
To register for the ACT, you will need to make an ACT web account.…

What's Tested on the AP World History: Modern Exam?
In preparing for the AP World History: Modern exam, you build…

AP World History: Modern — Period 4 Notes (1900-Present)
Key Takeaways — AP World History Modern Period 4 (1900-Present)

AP World History: Modern — Period 1 Notes (1200-1450)
Modern Key Takeaways — AP World History Period 1 (1200-1450)

AP World History: Modern — Period 3 Notes (1750-1900)
Key Takeaways — AP World History Modern Period 3 (1750-1900)