Top 4 Tips to Recover from Low ACT and SAT Scores

So, you are not quite satisfied with your ACT and SAT scores. First off, do not be discouraged. They are never the end-all be-all.
Both of these exams test you on how well you take an exam, not overall intelligence. You may just need to brush up a little bit on your test-taking strategies. Especially if you have just taken the ACT or SAT for the first or second time, there are plenty of opportunities available to you to help boost your next score. Here are our top four tips on recovering from lower than expected ACT and SAT scores.

  • Do not hide your ACT or SAT score

    Do not be afraid to share it with others. Often, they can offer insight on how to improve your score. They could also reassure you that you did not do the worst out of everyone. This is all a learning process and to begin learning about what you can do better, you need to be willing to discuss your score. You are not the only one worrying about your score.

  • Try switching up your ACT or SAT study routine

    Maybe you did not prepare enough. Or maybe the courses you were taking weren’t resonating with you. Regardless, it is time to explore alternative test prep options (for example, the Kaplan Higher Scoring Tool, which guarantees a higher score). It can also be helpful to look at the sections you scored lower on to determine where to put most of your energy toward. You do not want to completely omit sections from your updated study routine, but do be sure to prioritize your efforts wisely.

  • Pick yourself up and try again

    Don’t let one bump in the road through you off your path. If you did not like your results, apply to take the test again. You are much more likely to do better the second time around, because you now know what to expect. If you need to meet college deadlines, make sure you check the date of when the next test scores will be available so that you can submit them in time.

  • Remember that schools look at other academic options

    If you do not have time to retake the ACT or SAT, don’t sulk. Your ACT and SAT scores will not be the only deciding factor in your college decisions. Schools may sometimes prioritize your GPA standing, college essay, school involvement or external extracurriculars over your final test scores. And if your ACT or SAT score was on the lower end, you can explain why that was the case, and how it is not fully representative of you in your college essay. I was still accepted into the school. So as important as your ACT and SAT scores are, they’re not the end-all be-all; you still have hope.

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