AP Psychology: Testing and Individual Differences Notes
In these AP Psychology study notes, will review key concepts and vocabulary related to testing and individual differences, including what makes for a good test, how to interpret your scores on such tests, and what different kinds of tests exist. We will also focus on one of the most tested characteristics of all, intelligence. Keep reading to review what you’ve learned in your AP Psychology class so you’re prepared for test day.
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AP Psychology Testing and Individual Differences: Key Takeaways
Review some key concepts about testing and individual differences you should know for the AP Psychology exam.
- Francis Galton was a pioneer in the study of human intelligence and testing. He initiated the use of surveys for collecting data, and he both developed and applied statistics for analyzing that data.
- Although most teachers are experienced with creating tests, psychometricians are psychologists who specialize in making standardized tests.
- In order for us to have any faith in the meaning of a test score, we must believe the test is both reliable and valid.
- Although intelligence is a commonly used term, it is an extremely difficult concept to define. Typically, intelligence is defined as the ability to gather and use information in productive ways.
- Not surprisingly, the ongoing debate over what constitutes intelligence makes constructing an assessment particularly difficult. Two widely used individual tests of intelligence are the Stanford-Binet and the Wechsler.
- One of the most difficult and controversial issues in psychology involves sorting out the relative effects of nature and nurture. Keep in mind that nature refers to the influence of genetics, while nurture stresses the importance of the environment and learning.
AP Psychology Testing and Individual Differences: Key Terms
Review the following key terms related to testing and individual differences.
- Standardized: When we say that a test is standardized, we mean that the test items have been piloted on a similar population of people as those who are meant to take the test (the standardization sample) and that achievement norms have been established. For standardized tests, like Advanced Placement tests, we want to be confident that scoring a 5 is indicative of a similar level of mastery on each exam.
- Reliability: Reliability refers to the repeatability or consistency of the test as a means of measurement.
- Validity: Validity is often referred to as the accuracy of a test. A personality test is valid if it truly measures an individual’s personality, and the career inventory described above is valid only if it truly measures for which jobs a person is best suited.
- Aptitude tests: Measure ability or potential.
- Achievement tests: Measure what one has learned or accomplished.
- Fluid intelligence: Refers to our ability to solve abstract problems and pick up new information and skills.
- Crystallized intelligence: Involves using knowledge accumulated over time.
- Heritability: Heritability is a measure of how much of a trait’s variation is explained by genetic factors.
- Stanford-Binet IQ test: Created by Lewis Terman, a Stanford professor. IQ stands for intelligence quotient. A person’s IQ score on this test is computed by dividing the person’s mental age by his or her chronological age and multiplying by 100.
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